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What is something that you can use to improve your job?

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22 antwoorden


Yes, We should definitely keep a positive mindset. But My center is in Silver Spring MD, and training starts May 4th, I just wish theyd send the info further so I can put in my two weeks. But definitely keep me posted as I will do the same. Good luck!

Anonymous op


I don't know when the training date is, here in Newport News VA...... But good luck and I'll keep you posted

Anoniem op


Maybe because theyre still interviewing people. I have an interview wednesday for the call center sales in newport news.

lashonda op


Congrats on the interview, but be forewarned, if you oass the interview be prepared for the waiting game! Lol

Anonymous op


Have you been through the process with Verizon before? And @ lashonda, I did hear that they are still interviewing but I'm expecting multiple training classes to be given

Anoniem op


Ive been thru the process with VZW and that was a fast process, but im seeing now with Verizon Communications its a bit slower in regards. I sent a follow up email to my recruiter yesterday, and she told me the hiring advisors hadnt made a decision yet. I really want this job sooooo bad lol keeping a positive mindset

Anonymous op


I was told the same thing from my recruiter but he did tell me he should know something this week

Anoniem op


The interview today was great. I interviewed with a lady and a man that was very laid back. I expected it to be much harder than it was. Hopefully they form a class soon he said they didnt have a date yet.

lashonda op


Good job! Lashonda, I made this forum bc I knew people would have a lot of questions as far as "what's next?"...... I would assume that in about a week and 1/2 you'll receive any email telling you if your qualified or not. After that it's just a waiting game. Seeing as they have not determined a training date I believe that will be helpful for people who are wondering what' next, good luck keep us posted

Anoniem op


Congrats lashonda! Good luck to the both of you!

Anonymous op


Thanks guys. Yea they should def keep people more posted. I saw a different post where the guy ended up getting another job waiting for them. Theyre going to lose a lot of great people. Whats your name so if and when we do get a date i can thank you for this awesome pre warning and knowledge lol

lashonda op


Hello guys, any updates yet?

Anonymous op


I did here from a friend who works at Verizon in Newport News, VA that they have a training class going on right now. He also told me that of I'm not part of this one than probably the next class. But since the classes are 7weeks long, they may not start next class until about 5 weeks into the current one. So til that means that next class will not be most likely until around May. However, I haven't not heard anything from my recruiter since I spoke with him almost 2 weeks ago. So I looking for alternate employment at this time bc it's taking longer than I expected. So if you have the luxury of time than I would suggest to just hold on, but if not your looking at about 1 month and a half for the next training class and you should probably look for something else in the meantime..... That's all I know right now

Anoniem op


@lashonda I'm keeping it anonymous, jut because you have to sign a paper before saying that you will not discuss the interview process, but if I do hear back from them I will be sure to let you know and we can go from there

Anoniem op


Well I do know the training class starts here in Silver Spring MD May 4th, So i have a month of waiting left. Im just really trying not to lose faith because this process is extremely strange for Verizon, its either yes or no not a "maybe" smh

Anonymous op


@Lashonda Did u receive a "qualified" email?

Anonymous op



Anoniem op


Have you heard anything back about the job yet? Im in the exact predicament as you

Anonymous op


No, well knowing that someone else is out there makes me feel a lot better lol... I did email and I left a message with my recruiter but so far no response. Did you receive email saying you qualified on interview?

Anoniem op


Yes I did, I even sent a thank you letter to my recruiter for prepping me for the interview, no response. Im just glad someone else is going thru the same things as me, I was going crazy lol. Logically thinking, When i interviewed they did tell me 3,000+ applicants applied for the job, and only a few made it to the interview. They need 15 ppl for training, Either people are failing the test, or passing and failing the f2f interview. Smh

Anonymous op


Wow, that makes me stress so much less than I was before lol. I thought training was starting on the 16th of this month, but that was just hear say. I sent a thank you email as well. I'm assuming they are shifting through 1000's of applicants right now. I guess we should remain positive and patient. We've obviously passed each stage all were waiting for is the offer letter and drug screening. I'll keep you posted on any new details I get.

Anoniem op


Hi guys I'm extremely late to this just wondering if you all ever got the jobs?

Anoniem op

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